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Religious School Registration

We are excited to open for our 2023-2024 school year! 

Before you Register: Please submit your annual Membership Pledge

We will launch our year with a special outdoor program on Sunday, September 10th from 10am-11:30am.  Everyone is welcome.

Our first day of classes is Sunday, September 24th, 9am-11:30am.

Our Hebrew Program for 3rd-6th grade will be begin on Wednesday, September 27th.  Sessions are only offered on Wednesdays this year (if you have a conflict, please reach out to Rabbi Allison)

Hang Out Zone: 2:30pm-3:15pm
(spend time with friends, do homework, play games and have snack)

Early Session: 3:15-4:35

Late Session 4:15-5:35

Pre-Confirmation for seventh and eighth grade will meet on Wednesdays from 5:45pm-7pm November 8th-March 20th.

Confirmation for ninth and tenth grades begins on Sunday, October 1st and meets from 9am-10am.

Post-Confirmation for eleventh and twelfth graders begins on Sunday, October 1st and meets from 10:30am-11:30am.

Registration Fees:



Kindergarten to 2nd Grade*


3rd Grade to 6th Grade



7th and 8th Grade



9th and 10th Grade



11th and 12th Grade



Special Incentives: 

  • First time enrollment for PreKindergarten to 2nd Graders is Free! 
  • After June 16th: 5% Sibling Discount (please choose Sibling option for all students)

You will need to log into ShulCloud in order to register.

Please email Rabbi Allison Peiser, Temple Educator, with any questions about registration.

Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784