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Become a Sponsor

As Rabbi Meyer approaches his retirement in June, it is time for us to thank him for his service. Please consider showing your appreciation for Rabbi Meyer through a sponsorship of The Big Send-Off,
a series of four thank-you events. All sponsorships include an ad in our Rabbi Meyer Tribute Book.

Send-Off funds will help in several important areas, including:
• Temple Endowment   •  Temple annual operating expenses 
•  Religious School   •  Funding of Send-Off Events.

IMPORTANT!! The deadline has now passed to be included in the print version of the Rabbi Meyer Tribute Book.  However, you can still honor Rabbi Meyer and support The Big Send-Off with a sponsorship or ad that will be included in the electronic version of the Rabbi Meyer Tribute Book.  The complete online version will be emailed to all congregants and will be housed on the Temple website.  Submissions are due by May 23rd. 


Write "Anonymous" if you would prefer not to be listed.

Please note: The print deadline for ads in the Rabbi Meyer Tribute Book is April 15th, however, beginning February 8th, sponsorships will be acknowledged on the Send-Off website pages, included in marketing for materials for all events, and recognized at the Send-Off events. So, get your sponsorships in early!

Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785