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Rabbinic Transition:

 Transition Update: November 16th, 2023                                                                                           

Dear Congregants, It is with great pride, and unwavering confidence, that we announce our nomination for the next Senior Rabbi of Temple Emanu-El, Rabbi Jenn Mangold

Rabbi Mangold holds the qualities that we have acknowledged, as a community, that we strive for in our next Rabbi.  She is engaging, charismatic, warm, passionate about Judaism and pastoral care, and a natural leader and educator. It is because of these qualities, and more, that Rabbi Mangold has been unanimously voted to move forward by the Search Committee and Board of Trustees. Rabbi Mangold visited Temple Emanu-El recently and met with Temple leadership, staff, teens, Rabbi Crystal, and Rabbi Meyer, and they all agree that she is the perfect fit.  Now it’s your turn! Please join us on November 19, 2023 at 4:30pm as Rabbi Mangold will address the congregation with a D’var Torah.  Immediately following, the congregation will vote to approve the nomination. Rabbi Mangold will be confirmed as the Temple’s next senior Rabbi with a 2/3 positive vote from those present.  You must be present, in person, to vote. We are eager for you to meet Rabbi Mangold and know that you will agree that she is the right choice for our congregation. Please RSVP using the button below:

Selecting a Rabbi is a unique process. The Search Committee has completed an extremely rigorous process over the past five and a half months, including submission reviews and interviews with all candidates. Per the process outlined below, the congregation does not meet multiple candidates; rather the role of the Search Committee is to select the desired candidate to be put forth. Also below is a reminder of the Rabbinic Search process, outlined by the CCAR and the Temple By-Laws.  As the Board of Trustees has voted positively on the nomination set forward by the Search committee, it is now the congregation’s responsibility to vote. We are moving quickly as to be respectful of Rabbi Mangold’s investment of time and to secure her as our Rabbi. We invite you to start getting to know Rabbi Mangold by reading her personal statement and viewing a few of her sermons and services, found below. This is an exciting time for our congregation. Thank you for being an important part of it. L’shalom, Karen Whitman, Search Chair Jeffrey Goldstein, Search Chair Gail New, Temple President


 Transition Update: August 21st, 2023                                                                                            

We are excited to report that we have received our first few applications for our Senior Rabbi position. The applicants already reflect diverse backgrounds and experiences, and we are beginning to schedule first interviews for these initial applicants before the High Holidays. Our search committee members are participating in each interview and representing the broad interests and experiences of our temple in the interviews.

We are proud of the high-quality package we created to share Temple Emanu-El with potential candidates. Thank you to Andrea Healy for creating such a beautiful document, our committee members for completing the write-up, and our temple members for providing input through surveys, focus groups, interviews, and town halls. You can access the application here:

- Karen Whitman and Jeff Goldstein, search committee co-chairs

 Transition Update: August 8th, 2023                                                                                            

Thank you to everyone in our community who provided input as we begin our Rabbinic Search. Our Search Committee members, selected by our Temple President, Gail New, reflect a wide range of congregational interests, cohorts, and demographics. Some of their particular perspectives are reflected in their short bios, that can be found below.

Our committee began work this summer with a fantastic foundation built by the transition committee’s surveys, focus groups and interviews last year. We held a July 17 Town Hall meeting to complement these findings and hear more perspectives as we set out on our Senior Rabbi search.

We have a strong appreciation for what we are seeking in our next senior rabbi and for what makes Temple Emanu-El so special. We learned that our congregation wants a senior rabbi who:

· Is warm and engaging: Our next senior rabbi must be someone who will build strong relationships with each of us. Congregants often recited how they could feel the warmth of our Temple from the moment they passed through our doors. The environment supports and promotes the inclusion of all individuals and families who want to learn and practice Reform Judaism within an atmosphere of diversity, kindness and acceptance.

· Respects diversity: Our next senior rabbi should incorporate modern practices and beliefs of Reform Judaism. The rabbi’s leadership is critical to our congregation as it reflects the diversity of our members with respect to age, race, abilities, gender, national origin, interfaith practices, sexual orientation, and more.

· Leads worship services with joy and inspiration: Our Temple has thrived with an uplifting and thought-provoking message delivered through words and music. The rabbi should be open to include music as an integral part of worship services.

· Demonstrates civic mindedness: Our rabbi should have the interpersonal and professional skills to engage with other leaders, both civic and religious, within the North Shore community. We seek a Rabbi who will continue Temple Emanu-El’s proud tradition of community activism, including the Marblehead Ministerial Association, pulpit exchanges, and community/congregation missions to Israel.

· Fosters a smooth transition: Our new senior rabbi will possess the leadership and interpersonal skills to navigate the transition of a congregation that has had stable rabbinic leadership for decades – three rabbis in 64 years.

The search committee has just filed our formal application (job posting) with the Rabbinical Placement Committee of the Reform Movement, and we look forward to seeing candidates’ resumes and personal statements soon. Our next update will share the steps we will take to review and get to know the candidates who apply to the job posting.

Please see the following timeline for the Rabbinic Search:

The Temple's Senior Rabbi Search Committee Bios

Karen Whitman is excited to co-chair the search for a Senior Rabbi. Karen has been a Temple member since the early 90's. Her husband, Andrew has been a member his entire life. Karen has served on the Temple Board and has also chaired Taste. Career wise Karen spent over 35 years at Hilton developing hotels. She has 2 children, ages 26 and 29, who both had B-Mitzvah at Temple Emanu-El.

Jeff Goldstein is excited to co-chair our search committee and contribute to a decision that will help perpetuate our temple and the critical role it plays in our community. A Chicago-area native, Jeff lives in Marblehead with his wife, 9-year-old daughter, and 6-year-old son. Professionally, Jeff is a Partner and Managing Director at consulting firm AlixPartners, where he specializes in leading business transformation programs for global media and technology clients.

Nathan Goldstein has two children at the religious school. He is an attorney by trade and now manages retirement and healthcare funds for hardworking union members and their families. When he and his wife joined the Temple, they were welcomed warmly by Rabbi Meyer and the community that he helped cultivated. Feeling gratitude to those who had been instrumental in Rabbi Meyer’s hiring 31 years ago, Nathan joined the committee in order to pay it forward.

Risa Kahn is honored to serve as a Recruiting Consultant to the Senior Rabbi search committee. She and her family have been members of Temple Emanu-El since 2016. Her husband, Larry, is a Swampscott native and Risa grew up in the MetroWest area. Their daughter, Arielle, is a rising Junior at Marblehead High School and son, Ben, a rising Sophomore at the University of Michigan. She is presently a Temple Board member and most recently Co-chair of the Temple’s Board of Trustees Nominating Committee for 2023-2025. Professionally, Risa is a Senior Recruiting Manager at New Dimensions in Technology (NDT). 

Julie Ann Littmann is honored to serve on the search committee for the new Senior Rabbi at Temple Emanu-El. Her previous experience in the Jewish community included serving on the executive board of Temple Sinai of Las Vegas, Nevada (treasurer, vice president, and president). She was privileged to head up the search committee and help hire a new rabbi, cantor, and religious school director. After relocating back to the Boston area in 2018 with her husband, Eric, she chose Temple Emanu-El because of the warm environment they experienced immediately when visiting. Julie and Eric have two beautiful children, Danielle (27), and Joseph (25).

Jerry Somers, a member of the Temple since the early 1970s and a retired attorney, was a past president of the Temple, chaired the Search Committee that brought Rabbi Meyer to our Temple, went on to become Chairman of the Board of the Union for Reform Judaism (then the UAHC) and served as a Founding Director of the Jim Joseph Foundation. He also chaired the search committee that brought Amy Gold to be the head of Epstein Hillel School.

Jamie Yomtov and her family have been a member of Temple Emanu-El since 2014. She works as a speech-language pathologist in the local public schools and has two sons, ages 2 and 5. Jamie is an active member of Temple Emanu-El and has served on the board of trustees, fundraising committees, and is a chair of the Families with Children neighborhood. She is honored and excited to be part of the search committee.

 Transition Update: June 5th, 2023                                                                                            

Join us in a discussion as we prepare for the search for our new Senior Rabbi.  We want to hear from you! The program will be facilitated by our Search Committee Chairs, Karen Whitman and Jeff Goldstein, and by our Interim Rabbi, Rabbi Crystal.


 Transition Update: April 30th, 2023                                                                                            

Dear Congregants,                                                                 
I am writing to you today to announce the Senior Rabbi Search Committee. When putting the committee together, it was important to ensure that our diverse community is represented.   As the search for our Senior Rabbi begins, please know that you will have an opportunity to have your voice heard at our Town Hall meeting on the evening of July 17th.   Thank you to our Search Committee for working on this important endeavor.  Karen Whitman Co-Chair Jeffrey Goldstein Co-Chair Nathan Goldstein Julie Littmann Jo Ann Simons Jerry Somers Jamie Yomtov   With kindest regards, Gail New, President

 Transition Update: January 23rd, 2023                                                                                            

Dear Congregants,                                                                 
 I am pleased to inform you that we have hired an Interim Rabbi to serve Temple Emanu-El from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. Below, please find out more about Rabbi Crystal, along with a description of his role as Interim Rabbi.
I look forward to welcoming Rabbi Crystal and working alongside him as we move forward with our Senior Rabbi search.
Gail New, President

Rabbi Darryl Crystal

Rabbi Crystal is entering his 20th year as an Interim Rabbi. He will work with our congregation for one year. Temple Emanu-El will be the 18th congregation he has served. The congregations span the country from California to Massachusetts, Illinois to Texas, and Georgia. Prior to his work as an Interim Rabbi, he served North Shore Synagogue, in New York for 18 years.

Rabbi Crystal will lead services, teach, provide pastoral care, officiate at life-cycle events, and fulfill all of responsibilities of the Senior Rabbi. He looks forward to meeting the members of Temple Emanu-El and participating in all aspects of synagogue life.

As an Interim Rabbi, Rabbi Crystal will support and provide resources for Temple Emanu-El during the transition year.  The work of an Interim Rabbi includes helping congregations affirm their traditions, explore new programs, envision the future, facilitate conversations about their relationship and the contributions of the previous Rabbi, and prepare to have a successful transition with the new Senior Rabbi.

Pastoral care is a foundation of Rabbi Crystal’s work. He trained as a Chaplain at Northwestern Memorial Hospital and the Washington Hospital Center.

Rabbi Crystal was an Eisendrath Intern at the Religious Action Center. He has worked on issues including LGBTQAI+ equality, reproductive rights, immigration reform, and the abolition of torture. He has worked with interfaith communities throughout the country.

Rabbi Crystal is committed to Jewish learning.  He studied at the PARDES Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem in 2003-04. He was one of the first rabbis to train with the Institute for Jewish Spirituality, which teaches rabbis, cantors, and educators about spirituality through study of classic texts of mysticism and Jewish meditation.

 Transition Update: December 26th, 2022                                                                                            

The Send-Off committee of the Transition team continues to work on all the details around the four Send-Off events planned for Spring 2023 to thank and honor Rabbi Meyer. The first event will be A Night of Music at the Cabot Theater on March 29th. In the last month, the committee has also been busy putting together materials for event sponsorships and giving opportunities to be sent both inside and outside of our Temple community. Search The Search committee has been busy reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates for the Interim Rabbi position. One candidate was invited to Temple Emanu-El to meet with the Search Committee and staff. An offer has been made and it is our expectation that the candidate will sign a contract of employment for July 2023-June2024. As soon as this happens, we will provide the congregation with further details.

 Transition Update: November 29th,2022                                                                                            

The Send-Off team continues to be busy putting together a fitting send-off to Rabbi Meyer. This month, Temple member families were sent a
Save the Date postcard outlining the planned Big Send-Off events for Spring 2023.  These include:

A Night of Music   MARCH 29, 2023   Cabot Theater, Beverly
An evening of live entertainment with several musical performances–including Rabbi Meyer and Jon Nelson!

Scholar-in-Residence   MAY 12-13, 2023  Temple Emanu-El
We are honored to have Dr. Gary Zola, Executive Director of the American Jewish Archives, who will join us on Shabbat for our Friday night service, a Saturday program and lunch.

Family Fun Day   MAY 21, 2023   Devereux Beach
Food, fun and games for all ages.  Join our Temple family for an afternoon at the beach!

The Big Send-Off Gala!   JUNE 1, 2023   Temple Emanu-El
An evening honoring and thanking Rabbi Meyer for his 30+ years of unwavering service to our community.

Also on Friday,  April 28th, a special Sisterhood-led Shabbat Service will be held honoring Marla Meyer.

After the first of the year, greater detail will be provided on each event with the ability to buy tickets, sponsorships and advertising.  Search Committee Update Resumes have been received in application for the Interim Rabbi position. Preliminary interviews were conducted and we will be inviting the best candidate(s) to Temple Emanu-El for follow up interviews and to see our community. You are invited to join President, Gail New for Bagels and to ask your questions about the role of an Interim Rabbi on Sunday, December 11th at 10am in the Fellowship room.

 Transition Update: October 27th, 2022                                                                                            

The Search committee is currently reviewing several resumes that have been submitted in application for the Interim Rabbi position. The team will review, discuss and subsequently set up initial interviews with the best suited candidates.

We are anticipating receipt of additional resumes over the coming months. In the meantime, if we identify a suitable Rabbi after our first round of interviews, we will proceed with subsequent rounds of interviews as necessary.

The Send-Off committee is busy planning four different events for the Spring of 2023 to honor and say thank you to Rabbi Meyer.  The goal is to create events that are reflective of who Rabbi Meyer is along with providing a variety of events that appeal to our diverse Temple community. 

Currently, there are plans in the works for a musical event, a family-fun event, a scholar-in-residence weekend, plus a Send-Off Gala!

A Save the Date postcard will be sent in November with dates and a bit of information so members can mark their calendars now.  Additionally, a sponsorship/advertising package is being put together for use beginning in December.   

 If you would like to be involved in the planning or a part in the execution of one of these events, email

 Transition Update: September 22nd, 2022                                                                                            

We are pleased to report that the Interim Rabbi application has been submitted by the Search Committee to CCAR. The application has been posted to the CCAR job board and is available to view by any member of CCAR.

As our search progresses, we will continue to provide updates.

The Send-Off committee is also hard at work planning a variety of Spring 2023 events to honor and say thank you to Rabbi Meyer. The goal is to create several events where every Temple Emanu-El congregant will find their way to say thank you to Rabbi. If you would like to be involved in the planning or a part in the execution of one of these events, email

 Transition Update: August 31st, 2022                                                                                            

August was a busy month for both the Transition and Search teams.  For the Transition team, chaired by Claudia Kaufman, the online congregational survey (sent to approximately 850 Temple members) came to a close in July with a strong response received from Temple members. Here are some of the survey findings:

When asked what members loved about Temple Emanu-El, the strongest responses were around the culture of our community 

• The Temple is warm, welcoming, friendly, compassionate
• The community is inclusive, tolerant, not pressured, and supportive 
• There is a strong love of music in our meaningful, worship services
• Universal love for Rabbi Meyer, his leadership, sermons, empathy, and kindness
• The breadth of programming, the Neighborhoods, social action and the progressive nature of the Temple were also listed

As many of the above were mentioned as the Temple’s strengths, survey responses also included several challenges facing the Temple today, including:

• Continuing to grow membership, especially bringing in younger families
• Re-engaging our community after Covid
• Remaining financially sound as well as safe and secure
• Recognizing that change and the rabbinic transition will be difficult for many

When asked what were the most important personal qualities they were looking for in our new rabbi:

When asked about the most important professional qualification they were looking for in our new rabbi:CB42DA6C-30EC-46D4-B522-BF936A6CD4E4.png


And lastly, when asked what we wanted to make sure we kept during the rabbinic transition, the clear answers were:

• The warm and welcoming nature of the community, 
• Many of our existing programs and traditions - Neighborhoods, Tashlich, 2nd night seders, etc.  
• Our music

With regards to the qualities we wanted to keep in our rabbi: 

• Intelligence, warmth, sense of humor, good speaker, engagement with youngsters, relationship with the congregation and pastoral care
• Maintaining meaningful, joyous worship services with relevant sermons

The Transition Team then compiled and presented the findings of the Listen and Learn focus groups, an analysis of the survey results as well as all raw data to the Search committee for their role in first completing the CCAR application for our Interim rabbi.  

The Search committee, chaired by Sharon Orfaly, has been meeting to review the CCAR application, gathering data regarding the Temple and working on crafting their answers to key questions on the application. The results passed on from Transition to Search have been instrumental in the completion of the Interim Application. The team’s goal is to submit the application to CCAR within the next two weeks.

  From our Temple President: July 25, 2022                                                                                          

Dear Temple Family

As I settle in to my presidency, I wanted to provide you with an update on our Rabbi search.

Changes in rabbinic leadership are a natural cycle in all congregations. Rabbi Meyer has shared his spirit and wisdom with the Temple Emanu-El community for more than 30 years, and now we have the opportunity to learn and grow with new leadership. FAQs regarding Rabbi Meyer’s departure and our search can be found here on this site, and  will be updated as things progress.

Our Transition Discovery team has just wrapped up their congregational outreach through listen and learn sessions and an online survey. Their findings have been thoughtfully organized and are being handed over to the Search Committee for use in the Interim and Settled Rabbi applications.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Transition Discovery team for their due diligence and commitment to understanding our congregation’s concerns and desires as we move forward. This team has spent countless hours on their mission.

Transition Discovery Team
Claudia Kaufman, Chair
Dan Rosen
Judith Emanuel
Ann Laaff
Deahn Leblang
Nicole Sherf
Eric Reines
Andrea Liftman

The Search Committee is composed entirely of members of the congregation. Qualities that were of the utmost importance when choosing Search members were: diligence, commitment to inclusion, discretion, community-mindedness, professionalism, collaboration, relevant experience and the flexibility to commit the time required to complete an effective search.

Search Committee
Sharon Orfaly, Chair
Erin Cullen
Bob Goldman
Jeff Goldstein
Nate Goldstein
Lisa Nagel
Terra Samuels
Jerry Somers
Jamie Yomtov

Over the coming weeks, the Search Committee will be working to complete the Interim Rabbi’s application which will be submitted to Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) in early September.

There may be members who are questioning why we have chosen the Interim Rabbi model. I can assure you, this is common practice among synagogues that are replacing long-serving rabbis. The Interim Rabbi will serve as a bridge between Rabbi Meyer’s departure and our next Settled Rabbi. The Interim Rabbi guides the congregation and the Board, fostering change and transition after a long-standing rabbi leaves. The Interim Rabbi will perform all duties of the regular congregational Rabbi.

An Interim Rabbi affords us the opportunity to thoughtfully conduct our search for a Settled Rabbi without the immediate pressure of a deadline. We want to ensure that Temple Emanu-El puts our best foot forward in not only our search for our next Rabbi, but also in how we present our congregation to potential candidates.

Please check our website for updates on the process and always feel free to reach out to me at should you have questions, concerns or comments.

Wishing you all a relaxing and enjoyable Summer.

Gail New

  July Update                                                                                                                                           

During the months of May and June, the Transition Team conducted a series of ‘Listen and Learn’ focus groups with several demographic groups making up our Temple Emanu-El family.  Conducted via Zoom, the groups that met included samplings of New Members, parents of Religious School young children, Seniors, Long-term members, Interfaith families, and Empty Nesters.

The groups varied in size and the conversation was always lively, candid, and informative. Our thanks go out to the members who agreed to be part of these focus groups – as the name implies, we Listened and we Learned!

Following on the heels of the focus groups, the Transition Team created the congregation-wide online survey emailed in late June. Currently still open for responses (deadline is July 11th), the survey was sent to all Temple adult members (over 18 yrs) for whom we had email addresses.  The survey, like the focus groups, contains questions that are important not only to capture the thoughts and feelings of the congregation but also to complete the Rabbinic Search application to be sent to the recruiting arm of the CCAR (Central Conference of American Rabbis). The current plan is to submit our application for an Interim Rabbi in early September.

Following completion of the survey, feedback and results from both the focus groups and the survey will be compiled, analyzed, and written up by the Transition Team and handed off to the Search group for their role in completing and submitting the application.

  Frequently Asked Questions about the Search/Transition Process                                                                                            

Who are Temple Emanu-El’s professional partners in the search process?
The Placement Office of the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR), the Reform rabbinic professional leadership organization, helps guide congregations in the many aspects of their rabbinic search process. The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) provides confidential search and transition support with a keen eye to the needs of each individual congregation.

Why are we looking for an Interim Rabbi?
Especially in cases of successors to long-serving rabbis (like Rabbi Meyer), the CCAR (the Central Conference of American Rabbis) recommends that congregations follow the Interim Rabbi model. An Interim Rabbi is specifically trained as a transitional rabbi. Their purpose is to help a congregation positively, successfully, and thoughtfully transition to a new Settled Rabbi. They are specially trained to help a congregation clarify its goals and objectives for a Settled Rabbi while performing the rabbinic duties for the synagogue. Since Interim Rabbis are not eligible to become permanent rabbis, they are in a unique position to work with the congregational leadership to help the congregation prepare for the next spiritual leader.

What is the process to select our next rabbi? (both Interim and Settled Rabbis)
There are several phases in the rabbinic selection process handled by different teams and spread over many months.

Discovery:  May, June 2022
The Discovery Subcommittee of the Transition team is charged with developing a process of reflection for congregants to determine the most important attributes and qualifications of our next rabbi, along with documenting our Temple’s strengths, challenges, and where we want to be in the next five years. These reflections will be a result of:

  • A series of member focus groups (called Listen and Learn sessions) to gather information on specific questions and open discussion about the process, members’ aspirations, and the vision for Emanu-El’s future.
  • A congregation-wide survey sent to all adult Temple members to understand the important attributes of and hopes for the next rabbi.

Application: August - September 2022
The Search Committee completes and submits a detailed application to the CCAR that comprises the results of the focus groups and online survey as well as details about Temple Emanu-El (history, finances, governance structure, etc.).

Review: October 2022 - March 2023
The Search Committee receives and reviews candidate applications, determines which candidates to contact and conducts virtual interviews. Based on the virtual interviews, it is determined which candidates should be invited for subsequent interviews or an in-person visit to Marblehead.

In-person Visit – Spring 2023
Candidate(s) is invited to travel to Marblehead to meet with lay leaders, senior staff, and committee members and to visit our local community.  

Due Diligence and Recommendation: - Spring 2023
The Search Committee begins due diligence on each candidate still being considered and if necessary, the final candidate(s)will be invited back to tour areas of the community, ask pertinent questions, and meet with other leaders.

The Search Committee, after the process delineated above, will decide by discussion and ultimate vote as to their recommendation of which candidate they feel will be the optimal candidate to serve our congregation. That recommendation is presented at the Board of Trustees meeting, and the Board votes on the said recommendation.

Further questions can be directed to:
Sharon Orfaly, Search Chair
Claudia Kaufman, Transition Chair
Gail New, President

What does the  Transition Team Send-Off Subcommittee do?
Although there is much attention on the search activity for the Interim and Settled Rabbi,  the Send-Off Subcommittee of the Transition Team will be busy in the fall of 2022 planning the celebrations and our ways to honor and say thank you to Rabbi Meyer for his three decades of service to Temple Emanu-El.  Still in the beginning stages, if you are interested in helping with any of the activities to be held next spring 2023, please reach out to



 Transition–Discovery Subcommittee:    

Claudia Kaufman, Chair
Dan Rosen
Judith Emanuel
Ann Laaff
Deahn Leblang
Nicole Sherf
Eric Reines
Andrea Liftman

 Search Committee:                                    

Sharon Orfaly, Chair
Erin Cullen
Bob Goldman
Jeff Goldstein
Nate Goldstein
Lisa Nagel
Terra Samuels
Jerry Somers
Jamie Yomtov

 Transition–Send-Off Subcommittee:           

Claudia Kaufman, Chair
ate Aikman
Ina-Lee Block
Gail Mack
Matthew Friedman
Wendy Lewis
Tracey Roman
Shari McGuirk
Jackie Robbio
Sue Weiss

  From our Temple President:  April 25, 2022                                                                                                                                    

Dear fellow congregants,

As you know, our beloved Rabbi Meyer has announced his upcoming retirement in June 2023. Change can be challenging but we are excited for the next chapter, both for Rabbi Meyer and for Temple Emanu-El. 

Today, I want to give you an update on the progress we have already made in the search process.

Leadership has put together both a Search Committee and a Transition Committee whose members represent all aspects of Temple life. Each of these committees have met and been given specific responsibilities including: fact-finding from our congregation, staff and community, and completing an application for a new Rabbi.

  • Fact-finding: We will be welcoming input from the entire congregation shortly as we begin the search process for our next Rabbi. There will be opportunities to gather all of your feedback in the very near future through a variety of means including a congregational online survey and focus groups. Everyone will have a voice in this process.
  • Application Process: The first application to be completed and submitted by the Search Committee will be for an Interim Rabbi.  This Rabbi will serve a one-year term as a bridge between Rabbi Meyer and our new Senior Rabbi. An Interim Rabbi is highly recommended by CCAR (Central Conference of American Rabbis) and URJ (Union for Reform Judaism) to provide some emotional space as our congregation makes the change from a long-term, beloved Rabbi to a new spiritual leader. We will all need the time to adjust and to conduct an effective search for our new Senior Rabbi.

Please be assured that all Interim Rabbis are trained to “step right in” as a traditional Rabbi while also looking at a Temple objectively, giving feedback on daily operations, staffing and programming. By hiring an Interim Rabbi, our congregation will have the time and means to create a neutral and welcoming environment in which the incoming Senior Rabbi will have an opportunity for success on their own terms.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I will continue to keep you updated on all aspects of the search process.

With my gratitude,

Lisa A. Nagel
President, Temple Emanu-El

  Announcement:  From Rabbi Meyer, January 2022/Shevat 5782                                                                                               

To my Dear Congregation:

There is a wonderful story in the Talmud of a sage who came to a crossroads where he happened upon a young boy. The sage asked him which road would take him to Town? “This road is short but long,” the boy answered. Pointing to the other he continued, “This road is long but short.” The sage took the first road but found that the entrance to the city was hedged in by gardens and orchards. So he returned to the boy and said, “Did you not tell me that this road is short?” “Yes,” the boy answered, but I also told you it was long. It is shorter in length, but longer in time.” (Eruvim 53b)

As I begin making plans to transition to the next phase of my Rabbinic career here at Temple Emanu-El, I sense that I’ve taken the “long road that is short.” Yes, serving our congregation for the past three decades is a lengthy tenure by any measure. But the years have passed so quickly that my time here feels, indeed, surprisingly brief.

Leading an active and vibrant congregation requires a rabbi to put forth an enormous amount of both physical and creative energy, and I am grateful to have continued to be blessed with a combination of good health, enthusiasm, imagination, and fortitude. Still, as I’ve commented recently, I’d much rather make the transition to my Emeritus status five years too early than five minutes too late! After much consideration, I have made the timely decision to step down as your Senior Rabbi in the Spring of 2023.

It may seem that giving a full eighteen-month notice is excessive, but I and our Temple leadership agree that the rabbinic transition will be a critical moment for our congregation, as it was thirty years ago when I began. We are fortunate to be blessed with an exceptional Board with highly capable officers to manage the effort, and I will offer my full support and whatever guidance might be appropriate.

In addition, please be assured that for the next year and a-half, I will continue to serve the Temple to my fullest capacity, being with you in times of joy and sorrow, bringing my love of teaching to our children and adults alike, and maintaining my passions for life-long learning, for music, for Zionism, social justice, and personal growth.

Indeed, the road has been long -- but short! I look forward to continuing to share in the life of Temple Emanu-El for many years as we look together towards a shared and bright future.


David J. Meyer
Senior Rabbi

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784